Who our app will help

Hello Sunrise will create an app base therapeutic tool to treat sufferers of depression and in the future will add courses addressing other relevant conditions. The app offers viable and cost-effective option to professionals and patients who do not have access to face-to-face therapy or those waiting for traditional services. The Hello Sunrise website and mobile app will give practitioners a treatment tool that is supported by scientific evaluations and efficacy studies. Mental illness creates high costs for employers due to absenteeism, presentism, staff turnover and productivity, Hello Sunrise will not only bring relief to the suffers of depression but will also contribute to the wellbeing and productivity of the communities it supports.

Key course information

  • Over about 8 weeks’ patients will learn to improve their mood using effective strategies of cognitive behavioural therapy in line with the latest scientific research.
  • The course is packed with clear and engaging texts, videos, audio content, and interactive exercises including an online mood diary, behavioural activation tasks, quizzes, and stress management strategies. Patients will also learn identifying sources of strength, and coping with stressful thoughts and feelings.

How does our course works for patients?

This scientifically evidence based, interactive online course was developed by psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists. Based on proven strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy in line with the latest research, it contains a total of 8 online course units of about 45-60 minutes each. Patients study at their own pace and have access the course for 90 days, allowing them to deepen their knowledge over time. 

Through interactive exercises, online diary pages, and practical everyday tasks, Patients can learn how to improve their well-being in no time.

In a total of eight lessons, patients will learn everything necessary to lift their mood and increase their well-being.

To do this, they will

  • Gain an understanding of depression and their symptoms
  • Activate their resources and make a list of positive activities to do.
  • Find a new way to deal with thoughts that are bothering them.
  • Increase their self-esteem and confidence in their ability to cope with difficult or challenging situations.
  • find a better access to their feelings and needs
  • experience mindfulness and its supportive effect
  • explore their social environment as a resource
  • pack their personal relapse suitcase so that they can fall back on the strategies they've developed in the long term.

With texts, videos, audio content, and exercises, the course is fun as well as effective. Through scientifically proven methods, they‘ll learn how to:

  • reduce symptoms of depression such as low mood and feelings of sadness and emptiness, lack of energy.
  • carefully integrate more activity into their daily life
  • break negative thought cycles and deal effectively with difficult feelings
  • identify sources of power and strength

How do patients use their Hello Sunrise course?

Patients can log in several times during each week. It is not necessary to read and process everything at once! They can take their time and divide the material into small time units. Decide for themselves when and how often they want to spend time with their program.

Patients can edit their course on their computer as well as on their smartphone with the Hello Sunrise app. This Hello Sunrise app also offers a diary function. With this patients can:

  • record mood, activities, contacts, feelings and thoughts
  • observe their mood over a longer period of time
  • recognize correlations between mood, activities, contacts and feelings

These functions also support them in various exercises in the course.

How do the exercises work?

Your Hello Sunrise course is based on current guidelines of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The cognitive behavioral therapy is a recognized psychotherapeutic procedure. The basic assumption is that our thoughts, feelings and actions are closely interrelated and have a decisive impact on our well-being.

  • CBT is also often described as "helping people to help themselves."

By clarifying mechanisms behind a problem, the therapist actively engages the patient with his or her own condition.

  • The course can help users
  • understand the mechanisms behind a depressive illness,
  • work out possible solutions in the form of strategies and
  • practice these strategies.
  • Central to the success of the therapy, however, is transferring the strategies into everyday life. Therapeutic homework is usually used for this purpose.
  • In the course there are different types of exercises, such as attention exercises, observing your own thoughts, and many more.

What other courses will we provide?

App-based self-help has an enormous potential to reach a large number of people and provide high quality services at a low cost. Its impact on public mental health can be enormous. Our platform will offer courses to address issues like Depression, anxiety and stress disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Behaviour Addiction.


Anxiety and Stress Disorders

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Behaviour Addiction


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